April 18


Four Cardinal Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

There are plenty of online articles which highlight the latest digital marketing trends and the most successful strategies. However, relatively few take the time to discuss potentially serious mistakes to avoid. In order to develop a fair and balanced approach to any advertising campaign, it pays to take a look at both sides of the proverbial fence. We will therefore examine four common errors so that they can be averted without causing any damage to your ongoing efforts.

Failing to Choose the Proper Domain Name

A domain name is one of the first aspects of your business that potential customers will come across. It therefore makes sense to create a lasting impression. Some owners nonetheless find it difficult to curate a strong brand identity while others may find that the desired name has already been taken. It is much easier to work in tandem with a firm able to provide numerous options in regard to both domain names and website suffixes. You might otherwise attract the wrong audience or fail to resonate with your target demographic altogether.

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The Inability to Cater to Mobile Audiences

The majority of consumers spend hours each day browsing the Internet with the help of potable devices such as smartphones and phablets. However, what if your website is incapable of addressing traffic from these sources? You will lose out on an incredible amount of business. Embracing a mobile-responsive site design should never be taken for granted. High-quality images, the ability to scroll through blocks of text and zoom functionality are three metrics to appreciate in this sense. Relying upon browser-based client engagement is simply no longer sufficient.

Forgetting About Social Media Circles

As this article by Forbes notes, some businesses have yet to appreciate the power and scope of social media portals. These sites can help any business to massively increase its digital footprint without being forced to incur substantial costs. Furthermore, many online consumers have come to rely upon word of mouth before committing to a specific product or service. If you neglect the social media presence of your business, its operations will almost certainly suffer as a result.

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Search Engine Optimisation (or a Lack Thereof)

It is also rather surprising to learn that many stakeholders have not come to fully understand the role that search engine optimisation (SEO) plays in relation to digital marketing. We are not only referring to palatable content in this respect. SEO involves technical issues such as using the proper HTML tags, the presence of authoritative outbound links and guaranteeing fast page loading times. As some of these concepts may be rather tricky to understand, it may be wise to leverage the expertise of a professional SEO firm.

Knowledge and Foresight are Power

Thankfully, not all online businesses will have to learn from their errors the hard way. Appreciating the mistakes mentioned above and taking the appropriate actions will both help to propel your venture in the right direction. Success could thereafter exist just around the next digital corner.

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